![]() 10/31/2013 at 11:36 • Filed to: tayclassic | ![]() | ![]() |
What is this??
PS4 Incapability
-Can't play cd's or mp3's
-No music visualizer (oh well, that I can do without)
-No youtube video sharing
-No media streaming from your computer
-No external hard drives
It really seems that Sony is intending their console as a more dedicated gaming machine then even their previous console. That's great if that's all you want to use it for.
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Big reasons why I'm leaning toward the XBone. Those and "XBone"
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Blast it all. It seems like nobody can make the console I want.
Maybe Valve, but that's different.
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Any of those things can be added with software changes. I think it's smart to keep it focused on what 90% of people will really use it for and then look at turning on features that may crash later.
Even though my PS3 can stream media, I haven't done it in years. YouTube sharing is meh as far as console use. External hard drives are probably excluded because they want to sell a proprietary option or avoid driver conflicts. Either way, most people don't store that much stuff on them. By the time you fill up the 500GB drive I'm sure there will be other options (or you can replace the internal drive with a larger one like everyone did with the PS3).
I'm not really set on buying or not buying one yet, but these issues haven't swayed me any closer to not buying one.
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None of these are really issues for me. I only ever used mine for games and DVD's. The main thing I'm annoyed with is that there is no backwards compatibility. I had a fat PS3 and that was one of my favorite things about it. Wanna play the new GT5? Go right ahead. Wanna play the original ratchet and clank? Awesome you can do it. You cant even do PS3 games on the 4.
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How hard would it be to implement these things? How much would it cost? Close to $0 I presume. This is purely a marketing strategy, a strategy I don't get. I personally don't care as I've got a dedicated media center computer (with PS1/N64 emulator) connected to my TV, but to many these will be annoying omissions.
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No external had drives?! .... As a PS3 user with a 1.5tb external full of movies and tv shows that is upsetting, genuinely.
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This would be a logical decision, based on this new information. Logical, but no way I'm considering one.
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Yup. I still have a huge, internet-connected space heater. I mean backwards-compatible PS3.
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There is still hope for media streaming.
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This is good thoughts. Luckily, I'm the guy that buys consoles after a couple years of software updates. I do stream a lot to my PS3, though.
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I still have one of the originals from the first release that I got for Christmas. The fucker's fan whirs like a jet engine now.
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They're at least acknowledging that people want it and are looking at it.
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It helps that I'm already rather invested in Microsoft. I have owned all platforms from both manufacturers, but since the advent of Cheevos I've been primarily Xbox. Gotta get those Cheevos
Aside from being a media device, I think we've played a total of 10 different games on the PS3 - most of which are legacy games (Resident Evil series). Compare that to the hundreds on the Xbox. The PS3 does media better, especially Netflix, but I'm hoping that's solved with Kinect 2.0
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I use my PS3 exclusively for Netflix, streaming "obtained" movies from my PC, and GT5. And sometimes PS2 games. Don't like Xboxes. People with Xboxes always play Halo. I don't want to play Halo.
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Do you have the fan add-on? I have the fan add-on for moar jet engines.
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Yeah, it's hardware that I worry about. Software can be fixed anytime... even by third party crackers/ROM creators should there be enough interest.
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I'd love to say that I haven't played Halo in years, but Halo 3 is free download right now. Competitive Halo sucks. Drunken Halol is the best time that could ever possibly be spent with friends.
My primary IPs are (in no particular order):
COD (yes, I play COD [almost begrudgingly sometimes])
Elder Scrolls
Mass Effect
80% of which either aren't available on PS3, or suck so many balls (SKYRIM) that they're near unplayable.
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No offense to you. But I'm really tired of these console wars. I didn't know these things, so I definitely appreciate the article. This mini-rant is more targeted at the developers and companies making these "consoles".
It's the 21st century. Why in the world would I pay $500 for something that can only play video games? $500 can get me SOOOOO much in technology these days, so what would possess me to buy something that just an over-priced, modern day PS1. And then I still have to spend $60, if not more, to get any decent games.
I'm not going to say PC is the master race either, but I can spend $500-600 on something that is upgradeable, has cheaper games, has endless useablity, and I can even make one close to the size of a console (I've already made a custom Xbox 360-cased PC).
They really need to step their game up and quit playing the "ohh, it's fine people will buy it anyways" game. They're living off of hope and desperation at this point. People will still buy it because they want the newest tech, but no one can honestly justify it to me in any reputable way so far.
Also, you can't say game quality, because I still spend about four hours every week playing PS1/N64/Gameboy games. Honestly, I have more fun playing those original greatly designed games than all the fancy new games with their pretty ooo-ahh graphics, but lack of real quality work and story.
/end rant
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Good thing I play all my RPGs and FPS on the PC... I also wouldn't admit the I like/play CoD, except the new one looks kind of cool... so I might have to secretly play it once or twice.
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Good points. 95% of what I do is straight game on my PS3. Other 5% is Netflix.
I hope my PS3 survives long enough (takes a while to read discs) to make an informed decision between the two, though I'm leaning closer to stick with Sony as my closer friends go that route as well.
Sony seems to be at least moderately thoughtful about its users so perhaps the software will be included at some point in time. They've done well marketing (timing and such) so far, they'll keep rolling with it and appease the crowds. This is their chance to steal some XBOX thunder and they know it.
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Yeah, there's always the PC side of the discussion. Personally, I don't own a PC. I spend too much time sitting at the damned things (and fixing PCs, and fixing other peoples' PCs, and fielding questions about PCs, and purchasing PCs, and refurbishing PCs, and so on and so forth) that I really cannot stand the devices any more. The last thing I want to do when I get home is look at another goddamned PC.
(also considering a career change. 30 isn't too old for a career change, right? Right?)
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I feel the same way most of the time. I haven't actually sat down to game in a long time before this weekend, when I played through Bastion in its entirety. I have to have a powerful PC anyway, and I can't use gamepads very well, so those are my reasons for PC gaming. Also Steam. I love Steam.
Nope, not too old. I hope I can change my career in 6-10 years too. I'll be extremely tired of PCs by then. Also I get headaches from staring at a screen of any kind. Working myself into coffee...
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The thing that gets me scratching my head is that most of these are minor software tweaks. Given that they are evolving off of their previous operating system, it is really hard to see why they would purposely remove something as simple as playing an mp3.
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I want to brew beer
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Nice! You should come out here then. Or a bit south of here, to Portland...
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Because they want to make it look like the knight in shining armor to all the fanboys upset that Microsoft is trying to add features other than just being a video game console.
So the complete alternative of that is to make a console that does solely that. Then everyone looks at Sony going "look a console designed for gaming". Its all marketing BS and its getting annoying. Because meanwhile, behind closed doors they're just piddling with a few features here and there to make people really think its something revolutionary.
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I do live in one of the Craft Brew Meccas - Denver.
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For some reason I thought you lived further East, my bad. Stay where you're at.
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You're probably right, they are probably distancing themselves as much from the xbone as they can.
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I'm actually kinda surprised how much the CD/MP3 thing bugs me. Lately my parents have been taking quite a few trips the past couple years, which usually involves me loading up a console or two and watching the house/feeding the cats while they are gone. This year I have put more time into my PS3 and I found it nice to be able to play some CD's from my car, later put my entire CD collection on the hard drive in MP3 format. It's not a critical feature but it's nice.
By the time I end up getting either of the new systems this might be fixed
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Which is great for marketing, but it doesn't mean the consumer is really getting the best product they possibly can for their money. They're only getting the best product that marketing can justify and sell.
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Oh, no worries guy. Being here is one of the reasons I've had this dream for ages. I've toured nearly every brewery on the Northern Front Range (from Castle Rock to Fort Collins and all points in between) and it only cements my dream.
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You'll have to send me a bottle when your career changes, then ;)
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I dunno if it is even that great for marketing, I've seen several people do a 180 purchasing decision based on this news. And it wasn't in Sony's favor.
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Maybe they're scheming together to get people to purchase both?
AMD wins no matter what? lol
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Dammit it all fits together now.
This is why the xbone has a hdmi in... so you can hook a ps4 up and enjoy 1080p gaming without losing any media center capabilities.
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LMAO! If someone actually did that, it'd be the perfect end-all photo to all of the PS4/Xbox haters. A Playstation playing through an Xbox. It does make sense now. The plan has been there all along.
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This is stupid.
Sony just wants to increase their profit margins on their own streaming services. What a joke.
I wasn't really wanting to buy either console right now, but this is depressing. I really want some of the games coming out on PS4, but with all this stripping down of the system I don't see why I would pay $500 for one.
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If they turned around and offered music/video streaming as part of a monthly online fee they will destroy Microsoft. After all, who would download music or need additional hard drive capacity for music/movies etc when everything is already instantly streamable. However, I think they are proceeding forward with those services being extra paid add ons.